It so happens that 16th of June 2017 will be remembered as one of the hottest days in the history of Madrid.
Not just because of the temperature rise but because hundreds of hearts were warming the start line of the 6 transplant cyclists of the Fit for life! Cycle Tour heading towards the WTG 2017 held in Málaga.
Recognized by the International Olympic Committee, the World Transplant Games Federation stage their games every two years — rotating between Summer and Winter Games —. This year the Summer Games were held in Spain for the first time. The organization welcomes participants from over 70 countries and all fitness levels, from professional to social athletes, their aim being not only to rise awareness of the importance of ethical organ donation and transplantation but also to promote the rehabilitation of transplant recipients through long term management of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle – among others – thus ensuring them the start of another journey.
Bike Spain Tours proudly prepared all the arrangements and support necessary for one of those journeys, the Fit for Life! Cycle Tour, from Madrid to Málaga. Seven days — not just any ordinary week — filled with intense effort, visits to transplant units hospitals, invaluable experience, massive inspiration, great organ donation awareness, fabulous pedaling, terrific support and tremendous joy.
Which comes to prove transplant recipients are absolutely Fit for Life!
So lets keep up the World Transplant Games Federation mantra and go for…
More transplant recipients.
More active.
More often.
You can watch the journey clicking here.